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Cara Unlock Modem ZTE MF626, MF627, MF628

Written By alfatzupry on Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012 | 00.11

There are various types of modem that lock by provider. Here are some types of modems that can be done unlock process ourself :

 (bundling with Indosat)

  1. Download MF626 Update Tool
  2. Simcard out of the modem- Keluarkan kartu GSM simcard.
  3. Uninstall the connection manager application from indosat.
  4. Run MF626 Update Tool software until finish. jalankan update instalasinya.
  5. Disconnect modem from computer or laptop.
  6. Input simcard (other Indosat) to the modem, then connect to computer or laptop
  7. Reboot the computer or laptop
  8. Good luck.
post script :
  1. ZTE MF626 modem can be used on Windows 7.
  2. Connection in order to run smoothly, you can use dashboard software from IM2. Cause if you use dashboard software from global it can be slow and often disconnect connection.
ZTE MF627 & MF628(Only For Older Version)
Modem ZTE MF627 can unlock with update the firmware. You can download here for the new firmware.
  1. Firmware ZTE MF627
  2. Firmware ZTE MF628
Source :
  1. possum22 for Unlock Modem ZTE MF626
  2. yaylol for unlock modem ZTE MF627 & 628
application, connect, disconnect, download, lock, mf626, mf627, mf628, modem, provider, simcard, software, tool, uninstall, unlock, update, windows, ZTE MF627,ZTE MF628,ZTE MF626,firmware.
00.11 | 0 komentar | Read More

Free Social Network Script

Have you ever thinking to starting your own online community, it becoming easier these day, there are so much available free CMS to download, maybe this list can be use as a consideration for everyone who want to start online community but don’t want to start from scratch, but still there are always some learning curve to take to mastering of each CMS.
Created by BoonEx , Dolphin is CMS focus on social community feature, it been on the this field for quite some time, it have many features such as video, chat, mailbox, forum, photos, blogs, store, events, and many more, and some features for admin section like membership and access levels, customizable database field and form, etc, also have hundred extensions from the community 
Example site: [ Apostolic Singles Network , Jam2gether  ]
Created by Curverider , Elgg is one of the open source social networking that available, it has been used in wide range of social environment, from campus, shcool, college and some commercial or non-commercial organization. It have these several basic features such as powerful data model, activity streams, plugin API, user management, access controls, and web services API.
Example Site: [ Oxfam , Wiley Publishing  ]
Created by WordPress , built to be integrated with our first choice blog platform, wordpress. Beside so many extension available on the site, it have several default feature like activity streams, extended profiles, friend connections, private messaging, extensible groups, discussion forums, and of course wordpress blogging.
Example site: [ GigaOm Pro , Unstructure , Tasty Kitchen  ]
Created by SocialABC , NetworX is PHP-based open source interactive social networking platform, some features that is have such as profiles, commenting, blogs, forums, events, invitations, file sharing, reporting, etc. It can be used for portal community, corporate intranet, online magazine, newspapaer, etc.
Example site: [ NetworX Demo  ]
Created by Skalfa , Oxwall have common feature to start build online community, like photos, videos, blogs, forums, tagging, etc. There is a store  to find the suitable plugins for our need.
Example site: [  ]
OpenPNE is a Social Networking Service Engine written in PHP. It has many features(friend control,friend invitation,diary,blog feeds,message box,etc). Look like this project using japanese languange it quite diffucult to explore.
PHP Social 
I’m not really paying to much attenion to this script, but I cannot found the download link, maybe need to register first to get the script. But the demo is available.
Example site: [ Jcow Demo  ]
Example Using Popular CMS
All the CMS I mention above look very focusing on the social network feature, but if you already familiar with popular CMS like drupal or joomla you can find some example and module that suit your community needs, and actually so many more cool example of the social community site using these two CMS.
Example site: [ Splashrate , Park-Shin-Hye  ]
Example site: [ Imbee , DrupalSN  ]
00.10 | 0 komentar | Read More
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